Our History
The History of Yaxley Suffolk Village Hall
Yaxley Village Hall was opened on Tuesday 26th November 1926, by Lord Henniker (the local landowner). The original building was a 60 foot long army hut as used since the First World War. Mr A B Sutton a local resident was the driving force behind the venture in providing a meeting place for all ages. The total cost, including associated ground works was £310, an amount that could have purchased two reasonably sized cottages at the time, and remembering a labourer’s wage would have been £1 a week.
Initially, the hall was a great success but by 1929 there was a decline in receipts. However, the hard work put in by the villagers arranging many events and fetes saved the hall’s continuation.
In September 1932 a treasure hunt organised by the hall committee and run in conjunction with the newly formed athletics club, caused uproar. The event was cancelled by order of the police after the local vicar, the Rev. R.C.Magee had said the event would distract parishioners from attending morning service as it had been organised on a Sunday.
The Women’s Institute met on a regular basis in 1933 and a full-sized billiard table added to the popularity of the hall and provided a steady income.
During the Second World War the hall continued as a centre point of the village. Yaxley’s children enjoyed a Christmas party in 1940.
In 1953 a Christmas Fayre and jumble realised the princely sum of £13-14s-5d.
Many of the events and various clubs have continued over the years. The Covid-19 pandemic curtailed activities for two years, between 2020 and 2022, but the hall continues to be a focal point for the people of Yaxley today.
Yaxley Village
Yaxley village is situated just off the A140 in Suffolk, about 1 mile west of Eye and 20 miles north of Ipswich. There are over 200 residential properties in the village. There is also the 12th Century Church of St Mary, The Yaxley Village Hall, The Cherry Tree public house and the Bull Auberge, which has a restaurant and accommodation.
The name “Yaxley” means cuckoo in a woodland clearing, hence the Village sign depicts a cuckoo along with a “Sextons Wheel”. The original wheel can still be seen inside the 12th Century Church of St Mary, hanging high above the door.
The Yaxley Suffolk Village Hall takes a leading role in organising many of the events in the village. The hall plays host to a number of clubs; Art Club, Garden Club, the Four Seasons Ladies Club and the Needlework and Craft group.
These along with a number of other varied activities in the village keeps Yaxley a lively place to live.